Enhancing Batteries Safety
Protecting EV Batteries with ClipHVent Vent Valves
Our innovative CliPHvent vent valves, designed specifically for the challenging traction batteries of electric vehicles. These advanced dual-purpose pressure compensation elements equalize minor pressure differences and additionally provide crucial protection against sudden pressure increases caused by thermal events.

Key learnings:

  • Background: Understanding thermal runaway and its risks to EV batteries
  • How CliPHvent enhances safety through rapid venting of the battery housing and protection against sudden pressure increases
  • How ClipHvent equalizes minor pressure differences between the housing interior and its surroundings and protects the battery housing against environmental effects 
  • How ClipHvent with its compact design saves space and enables easy, tool-free installation
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Webinar presented by our expert
Dr. Stefan Reichle
Market Unit Manager Alternative Mobility
Prädifa Technology Division