Product Warranty Form

Please complete and submit the form below when you put your new PTO into service. Fill out all fields to activate warranty.

Refer to the PTO Identification Label for Serial Number and Date Code
sections of the Warranty Form. Here's how to navigate the labels:
NEW Serial Number on PTOs assembled 5/1 or later:
e.g., 22010123 = 2022, first week of the year, 123rd unit built that week.

Former Serial Number on PTOs assembled prior to 5/1:
e.g., 10010123 = 2011 OR 2021, first day of the year, 123rd unit built that day. 

Provides complete history of the PTO

Note: Products assembled prior to April 18, 2023, will have an anodized aluminum label. These tags look slightly different but are placed in the same location and contain the same information.
NOTE: All fields are required. If you need to register more than one product please complete the form separately for each.

Warranty. The warranty for the Products is as follows: (i) Seller warrants that all products sold conform to the applicable Parker Chelsea standard specification for the lesser period of 2 years (24 Months) from date of service or 2-1/2 years (30 Months) from date of build (as marked on the product name plate). (ii) Services shall be performed in accordance with generally accepted practices and using the degree of care and skill that is ordinarily exercised and customary in the field to which the Services pertain and are warranted for a period of six (6) months from the date of completion of the Services; and (iii) Software is only warranted to perform in accordance with applicable specifications provided by Seller to Buyer for ninety (90) days from the date of delivery or, when downloaded by a Buyer or end-user, from the date of the initial download.  All prices are based upon the exclusive limited warranty stated above, and upon the following disclaimer: EXEMPTION CLAUSE; DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY, CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS:  THIS WARRANTY IS THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY, CONDITION, AND REPRESENTATION, PERTAINING TO PRODUCTS. SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, AND REPRESENTATIONS, WHETHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE RELATING TO DESIGN, NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SELLER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE IS ERROR-FREE OR FAULT-TOLERANT, OR THAT BUYER’S USE THEREOF WILL BE SECURE OR UNINTERRUPTED.  UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY SELLER, THE SOFTWARE SHALL NOT BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH HAZARDOUS OR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES OR ENVIRONMENTS.  EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED HEREIN, ALL PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”.

Refer back to Parker's Personal Data Privacy Policy for more information.
For more information, please contact Chelsea Products Division by
phone (888-744-8785) or email (