Electrical grounding, or earth grounding, is an important aspect of electrical systems not only for safety reasons but also for reducing electrical noise. Electrical noise, sometimes referred to as electromagnetic interference (EMI) or radio-frequency interference (RFI), can negatively impact the performance of electronic circuits, cause errors in measurements of precision sensors, and lead to the malfunction of sensitive electronic devices.
Grounding helps reduce electrical noise in several ways:
1. Providing a reference voltage level: Grounding provides a stable reference voltage level (typically 0V) for all electronic circuits in the system. This common reference point allows for more accurate and consistent signal measurements, mitigating the impact of noise on these signals.
2. Establishing a low-impedance path for noise currents: Grounding creates a low-impedance path for noise currents to flow back to their source or to the earth. By directing noise currents away from sensitive electronic components, grounding helps prevent the coupling of these currents into the circuits and reduces their impact on system performance. This is often done with the use of a conductive gasket or grounding solution. Depending on the design requirements, these gaskets can be conductive elastomers, metallic fingerstock, conductive foams, or conductive fabric-over-foam construction.
3. Shielding: Grounded metallic shields (e.g., in cables or enclosures) can help block the entry or exit of electromagnetic fields that cause electrical noise. When the shield is connected to the ground, it acts as a barrier that absorbs or reflects the electromagnetic radiation, preventing it from interfering with the electronic components inside the shield. Many of the product families developed by Parker Chomerics are designed for EMI shielding and thus meant to serve as a conductive interface between shields and grounded surfaces. These grounded surfaces can be the enclosure itself or ground planes built into printed circuit boards (PCBs). It is important that a shield is grounded, otherwise it will not provide the intended shielding effectiveness.
Regardless of the specific grounding needs or the reason for grounding solutions, Parker Chomerics has a wide range of grounding solutions for your cost effective, high performance, high reliability, electronic design needs.
In summary, electrical grounding plays a crucial role in reducing electrical noise in electronic systems. By providing a stable reference voltage level, creating a low-impedance path for noise currents, and shielding electronic components, grounding helps maintain the integrity and performance of electronic circuits and devices of all shapes, sizes, and functions.