The Advantages of a Direct Drive Approach

K-Series motors provide machine designers with the advantage of lower costs, increased reliability, and improved performance.

  • Zero mechanical connections between motor and load
  • No inertia match required (no compliance / wind up)         
  • Stiffer / more responsive system (easier to tune)
  • No maintenance / repair of mechanical linkages (couplings, etc..)
  • Smaller envelope for tight spaces
  • 6 frame sizes with multiple stack lengths
  • Rated torques up to 26 Nm (227 in-lbs)
  • Multiple winding selections for optimized performance
  • Lower cost solution

Frameless Motor Sales Sheet
K Series Kit Motors Frameless Kit Motors Are the Reliable and Compact Approach to Build Your Own High-Performance Servo Motor.

Lower costs, increased reliability and improved performance are benefits you will enjoy when designing in frameless kit motors like the Parker K-Series.

Frameless Motor Kit Selection

Frame Size Stack Lenth Range Continuous Stall Torque Peak Torque Rotor Inertia Core Loss Winding-Amb Thermal Resist Pole Count Motor Weight
mm in Nm in-lb Nm in-lbs Kg-m2 lb-in-sec2 Pc °C/W # kg lb
K032 12.7 0.5 0.08 0.7 0.26 2.3 3.2-7 2.8-6 0.06 3.44 4 0.07 0.15
25.4 1 0.14 1.2 0.45 3.9 6.3-7 5.6-6 0.12 3.44 4 0.12 0.27
50.8 2 0.23 2 0.73 6.4 1.3-6 1.1-5 0.24 3.44 4 0.26 0.57
K044 12.7 0.5 0.21 1.8 0.66 5.8 1.412-6 1.25-5 0.24 2.36 6 0.1 0.3
25.4 1 0.36 3.2 1.16 10.2 2.9-6 2.6-5 0.49 2.36 6 0.22 0.49
50.8 2 0.59 5.2 1.88 16.5 5.8-6 5.1-5 1.11 2.36 6 0.4 0.88
K064 12.7 0.5 0.59 5.1 1.86 16.3 9.0-6 8.0-5 0.78 1.68 8 0.29 0.63
25.4 1 1.03 9.1 3.28 28.9 1.8-5 1.6-4 1.6 1.68 8 0.57 1.26
50.8 2 1.73 15.2 5.48 48.2 3.6-5 3.2-4 3.23 1.68 8 1.13 2.49
K089 12.7 0.5 1.47 12.9 4.67 41.1 3.7-5 3.3-4 2.14 1.02 12 0.5 1.1
25.4 1 2.59 22.8 8.23 72.4 7.8-6 6.9-5 4.42 1.02 12 1 2.2
50.8 2 4.31 37.9 13.69 120.5 1.5-4 1.3-3 8.95 1.02 12 1.99 4.39
K178 12.7 0.5 8.44 74.2 26.77 235.5 4.7-4 4.1-3 9.1 0.5 18 2.4 5.29
25.4 1 15.16 133.4 48.12 423.5 9.2-4 8.1-3 18.7 0.5 18 3.71 8.18
50.8 2 25.74 226.5 81.74 719.3 1.8-3 1.6-2 37.4 0.5 18 6.34 13.98


Parker's direct drive motion construction gives equipment designers the advantages of lower costs, increased reliability and improved performance in key markets.
Machine Tool
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