Overarching Insight of Electrification
Shawn Horner
Digitalization and Electrification Design Challenges
Nils Henriksson
The Mobile off-road machine requirements to minimize emissions, improve productivity, and optimize system solutions due to work cycle and machine usage. Therefore, the mobile machine design has changed dramatically due to the journey of electrification and digitalization.
What makes the difference, in the end, is the ability to fully utilize the interaction between electromechanical, electronics, and hydraulic as the building blocks that define future mobile system solutions.
Panel Discussion:
Parker as a partner on Electrification: Case Volvo L120 wheel loader
Erik Forsberg | David Kinander | Henrik Loserius, CEES | Moderator: Ari Vuorinen
Customer Testimonial:
Introduction of Stream Propulsion AB and the Transformation to Electric Drive of the Leisure Boat Business
Tom Kühne
An overall picture of how the electrification of the leisure boat market is evolving. Presentation of the company Stream Propulsion and what they have achieved since the start in 2020.
Panel Discussion:
Future challenges in mobile electrification
Nils Henriksson | Ari Puranen | Ville Eskelinen, Hevtec | Tom Kühne, Stream Propulsion
Moderator: Ari Vuorinen