Parker Hannifin
Engineering Your Success

Mobile Hose Repair
Mobile Repair Capacity Improvement
It only takes a minimal investment to begin equipping your vans to be mobile assemblers.
Spend some time with our savings calculator below, review the increase in productivity and take the next step with confidence.
Contact Greg Hayes, OEM Sales Manager, Parflex Division at 330.296.4037 or email
HOW TO USE THE CALCULATOR – Select your tab. Adjust input values as needed. Enter “0” if not applicable.
Steps Required to Obtain a Replacement Hose Assembly Avg Time (min)
Identify Hose Specification
Call Shop to Verify Stock
Secure Tools & Other Items in Work Area
Walk to & From Service Vehicle
Drive to & From Shop
Obtain Replacement Hose & Verify if Correct
Service Variables (events, time, mileage, costs)
Weekly Number of Hose Related Service Calls
Average Hours Worked By Service Technician Per Week
Typical Working Weeks Per Year
Average Miles Driven to & From Shop
Service Vehicle Operating Cost Per Mile
Total Number of Service Technicians Employed


Current Totals

Current Time Consumed Per Hose Replacement Call (hours)
% of Work Week Service Technician Spends on Hose
Replacement Calls
Annual Number of Work Hours Consumed By Service
Technician For Hose Replacements
Annual Number of Work Hours Consumed By ALL
Service Technicians For Hose Replacements
Annual Service Fleet Operating Costs (mileage)
Parker Hannifin offers premiere customer service  Our experts are ready to assist you!

Download the latest Minikrimp™ brochure for crimper information.

Download the latest MiniKrimp brochure VIDEO: Minikrimp™ Tutorial

8 Tips for Maintaining Mast Hose 8 Tips for Maintaining Mast Hose

Steps Required for On-Site Fabrication of Replacement Hose Assembly Avg Time (min)
Identify Hose Specification
Call Shop to Verify Stock
Secure Tools & Other Items in Work Area
Walk to & From Service Vehicle
Drive to & From Shop
Obtain Replacement Hose & Verify if Correct
Fabricate Hose Assembly
Service Variables (events, time, mileage, costs)

Weekly Number of Hose Related Service Calls
Average Hours Worked By Service Technician Per Week
Typical Working Weeks Per Year
Average Miles to Obtain Hose Assemblies Per Week
Service Vehicle Operating Cost Per Mile
Total Number of Service Technicians Employed


Future Totals

Future Time Consumed Per Hose Replacement Call (hours)
% of Work Week Service Technician Spends on Hose
Replacement Calls
Annual Number of Work Hours Consumed By Service
Technician For Hose Replacements
Annual Number of Work Hours Consumed By ALL
Service Technicians For Hose Replacements
Annual Service Fleet Operating Costs (mileage)
We can equip your vans to be mobile assemblers.  Parker Parflex has the solution that saves time and energy.

Download the latest Minikrimp™ brochure for crimper information.

Download the latest MiniKrimp brochure VIDEO: Minikrimp™ Tutorial

8 Tips for Maintaining Mast Hose 8 Tips for Maintaining Mast Hose

Current Totals

Current Time Consumed Per Hose Replacement Call (hours)
% of Work Week Service Technician Spends on Hose
Replacement Calls
Annual Number of Work Hours Consumed By Service
Technician For Hose Replacements
Annual Number of Work Hours Consumed By ALL
Service Technicians For Hose Replacements
Annual Service Fleet Operating Costs (mileage)
Stop the waste tied up in hours of travel, gallons of fuel and overtime!

Future Totals

Future Time Consumed Per Hose Replacement Call (hours)
% of Work Week Service Technician Spends on Hose
Replacement Calls
Annual Number of Work Hours Consumed By Service
Technician For Hose Replacements
Annual Number of Work Hours Consumed By ALL
Service Technicians For Hose Replacements
Annual Service Fleet Operating Costs (mileage)

Capacity Improvement Benefit

Time Reduction Per Hose Replacement (in hours)
% Increase of Service Technician Weekly Capacity   
Weekly Hours of Capacity Gained Per Service Technician
Annual Hours of Capacity Gained Per Service Technician
Annual Hours of Capacity Gained For ALL
Service Technicians
Annual Vehicle Operating Cost Reduction
Take the next step with confidence!

Download the latest Minikrimp™ brochure for crimper information.

Download the latest MiniKrimp brochure VIDEO: Minikrimp™ Tutorial

8 Tips for Maintaining Mast Hose 8 Tips for Maintaining Mast Hose

©2022 Parker Hannifin Corporation